4 Projects
We are set to launch 4 projects in Dubai alone by end of 2025.
623K SQ FT
Our portfolio covers 623,354 sq ft of land in the UAE.
2.29M SQ FT
The GFA of our properties cover 2,291,946 sq ft in the UAE.
AED 2.6B
We're set to launch projects worth AED 2.6 billion in Dubai by 2025.
4 Projects
We are set to launch 4 projects by end of 2025.
320K SQF
Our portfolio covers 320,641 sqf of land in the UAE.
1,5M SQF
Our portfolio covers 1,542,000 sqf GFA in the UAE.
AED 2,6B
We're set to launch projects worth AED 2.6 billion in Dubai by 2025.